a custom, a practice, a season, a greeting This year, we’ve been without in so many ways–the customary family Easter and all those community traditions, customs, rites, and reminders set aside in a year of pandemic. We think of others who are setting aside...


We don’t usually approach Easter with judgment on our minds. It’s an odd fact considering the other perhaps more appropriate name we give the high point of the Christian year. When we say “Holy Week,” are we reminding ourselves what holy means? The week is holy...

The Deliverer

The Bible declares that God is our deliverer! This should ring a bell for us. Pleas for deliverance will vary, but it isn’t hard, especially in a pandemic, to join those who cry out to God. Revisit with me some of these crises, we’ll see what happens. Do you think...

Faith Is What Counts

I’m thinking about the tricky times we’re living in, a good occasion to talk about faith. If you’re like me, your eyes may glaze over when the subject of faith comes up. It’s such a given, such a talked-about topic that it almost seems nothing new can be said. A...

Son of David

            The messianic title, Son of David, takes us back to God’s promise to Israel’s greatest king–a messianic dynasty, an eternally established throne. David wants to build the temple, but...