
. . . quite a few absolutes Last week I made what may seem a bold statement. I said that absolutes are all around us. I called the absolutes our “context.” Perhaps you wrote that off as old-school nonsense, knowing for sure that absolutes are passé, out of date. No...

When the Adversary is a King

about a four-minute read the most formidable As human adversaries go, kings who oppose God’s word may be the most formidable. Godless captains of industry, impious world leaders or prime influencers, universally recognized authorities who set themselves against the...


Hello Hello, this is for my correspondent who asked the question about getting started–that is, how do I start when writing this blog. I’ve inadvertently deleted your question. I read it and looked forward to making a response and now it’s gone....

The Goliaths

~ a five-minute read a giant of unbelief Some attacks on Scripture are subtle and academic, some persuasive and seducing. When it comes at us as direct opposition or boastful defiance, even then it can be answered though facing a giant of unbelief is a daunting task....

Level Paths

~a two minute read I’ve just gone back to a couple of movies from several years ago. This time they were even better, I picked up on a few things I’d missed. One was this: The movies were done by Level Path Productions. I like credits and notice...