Compassion and Mercy

Thinking since Sunday school about the Good Samaritan story from Luke 10, I’ve been reminded that compassion is a central focus of the biblical record. A lawyer asks Jesus, “What must I do to inherit eternal life?” Jesus tells a story about a Samaritan, a person from...


I watched a video of Handel’s Messiah–orchestra and soloists, several hundred members of the chorus, more in the audience. An Easter experience like that could inspire any number of observations. I’ve sung in one of these choirs and attended many Messiah...

An Approach to Easter

Is there a better approach to Easter than taking some time to meditate on Jesus Christ? If that “some time” turns out to be a lifetime, even then we won’t do justice to the topic or the person. That the Most High should become human is, to begin with, a staggering...

Still Thinking about Absolutes

black and white? The subject of absolutes is as big as the concept. It is complex and rarely a part of our national conversation these days. We assume that the relative rules, it is reality, it can’t be questioned. But I keep thinking about things like the...


. . . quite a few absolutes Last week I made what may seem a bold statement. I said that absolutes are all around us. I called the absolutes our “context.” Perhaps you wrote that off as old-school nonsense, knowing for sure that absolutes are passé, out of date. No...


Hello Hello, this is for my correspondent who asked the question about getting started–that is, how do I start when writing this blog. I’ve inadvertently deleted your question. I read it and looked forward to making a response and now it’s gone....